I am Canice Cheung

I am using this blog to record the interesting things around me.

My Favorites

My Favorites

My favorites toys are robots, cars, pop it, and puzzles. I also like to swim and cycling.

My Robots

Robots combine to make a big robot.

Pop It

Pop it has many colors.

My Cars

Hot wheels and tomy car are my favorites brands.


I like to play with puzzles too.

Featured Toys

My Toys

Let’s take a picture of my toys before they transform into another thing.

My Robots

Robots combine to make a big robot.

My Cars

Hot wheels and tomy car are my favorites brands.

Web Development

Dapibus curabitur

Pop It

Pop it has many colors.

Brand Identity

Lacus vel

Brand Identity

Sit dapibus auctor

Have a Toy want to See?

Message me and see?!?